Interested in wholesale buying from Tribal Impulse?
We wholesale and retail handmade unique goods from all over the world. Wholesale is our primary business. Although Tribal Impulse is new I have 54 years experience in this field, mostly as founder, designer and owner of Ishka. I am in the process of selling my share in Ishka and Tribal Impulse is my new business.
Our Mishka Tribal Impulse website shop however is retail only. It can inform you of some of our product range. Ring Michael on +61 419 508370, or email to find out more or to open a wholesale account.
Re name Mishka Tribal Impulse
The word tribal has many meanings. We all belong to many tribes based on language group, spiritual beliefs. nationality, lifestyle, peer group, diet, and even the football we barrack for.
Our business is aimed at those who are interested in the ideas and creativity of people different from themselves.
Tribal Impulse is a multicultural concept and is for those who realise that our common humanity is more important than our cultural differences, which we can enjoy and explore. The work of Indigenous people forms a major part of what we do.
All nomadic people need high levels of resilience, fitness, creativity and environmental knowledge just to survive.
5000 years ago very few people lived in cities. We all have nomad roots if you go back a bit. In evolutionary terms we are all tribal animals and many of us are aware of these instincts and impulses.
All tribes produce spectacular art. Their story telling through myth, dance , crafts and representations of their spiritual world give insights to all humanity. Their history strongly influences most artists. For example if somebody express themselves as an abstract artist they owe much to what was called primitive art. Picasso and Matisse both acknowledged that their move to abstraction started after their exposure to African tribal art.
With our urban lifestyles it’s perhaps inevitable that we direct our fantasies towards lifestyle more connected to the natural world. There must be more to life than to be driven by corporate efficiencies.
Tribal impulses provides objects inspired by both nature and humanity. They are human ideas expressed through handmade product and not just stuff.
Multiculturalism, travel, the arts and businesses like Tribal Impulse can be seen as the opposite to the building of walls, dehumanising nationalism and soulless branding and consumerism.
We are political players. By purchasing world craft you are supporting creative people and acting on global poverty .
I thank you for this.